Anthony Mangiacotti

am1.jpgI am Anthony Mangiacotti, an Italian qualified psychologist, with a MSc in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation – University of Padua (Italy); and PhD in Psychological, Pedagocial and Educational Science – FISPPA, University of Padua.

Currently, I am collaborating with Dr F. Franco at the MCClab, Middlesex University (London) where I am Post-doctoral Researcher, and principal researcher of the MusiCare project. I am also holding a Honorary Teaching position at the department of Educational and Pedagogical Science, FISPPA, University of Padua, and a teaching position at the italian Music Therapy center Centro Studi Musicoterapia Alto Vicentino (CSMAV).

My research path takes place in collaboration with MHA association (Methodist Home, UK) where we are trying to understand the effects of music therapy activities in enhancing the well-being and cognitive functions of elderly people living in care homes.

During  post-graduate training period at the care home D. Sartor of Castelfranco Veneto (tutor: Dr Giovanna Cipriani) and at the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research (CIMTR) – Anglia Ruskin University (tutor: Prof. Jörg Fachner), I acquired neuropsychological evaluation-rehabilitation skills, with the application of techniques based on music therapy principles.

I deal with assessment, rehabilitation and cognitive rehabilitation training (eg memory, attention, etc.) for people affected by cognitive decline due to eg. cranial trauma or dementia.

I have gained experience in training for both school and business staff, delivering training in educational psychology and techniques for work stress managing.

I am co-founder of the Italian Scientific dissemination websites SprintStudio


Evaluating a continuing professional development course on cognitive functions for Music Therapists working in care homes

The effective music teacher: A model for predicting music teacher’s self-efficacy

Music Training Improves Depressed Mood Symptoms in Elderly People: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Assessing a cognitive music training for older participants: a randomised controlled trial