Tatiana Sobolewska


Tatiana Sobolewska has started her career by earning BSc Psychology Honours with First Class, followed by completing MSc Clinical Health Psychology degree with Distinction (partly funded by Academic Excellence Scholarship, Middlesex University ). Tatiana had worked on developmental studies at the Music Cognition and Communication Lab as a Research Assistant in years 2013 – 2018. During that time she has gained expertise in design and execution of eye-tracking, preferential listening and observational methodologies.  Currently, Tatiana specialises in the fields of language development and music perception in infancy.

At the present time, Tatiana is a Graduate Academic Assistant at Middlesex University where she supports teaching on modules that cover topics of statistics for psychological science, research methods and designs, and psychophysiology. She is also a doctoral candidate in Developmental Cognitive Science under supervision of Dr Fabia Franco at the Music Cognition and Communication Lab. Tatiana’s project is aimed at examining aspects of music as part of pre-verbal communication system in infancy, specifically, the use of consonant and dissoant intervals during parent-infant interactional synchrony. The project employs Tobii eye-tracking and BioRadio physiology measurement technology as measures of attentional preferences and autonomic regulation, respectively, in response to tonal and atonal sound harmonicity.