

The Music@Home questionnaires (Infant and Preschool) constitute novel, valid and reliable instruments that assess the home musical environment in families with children under the age of 5. They quantify the extent to which the home environment of infants and preschoolers is musically varied and enriched in specific ways.

Their development and validation was based on two large-scale surveys taken by sample of 1060 families and elaborate statistical methods were used for shaping the questionnaires’ final forms. You can read more about the creation of the questionnaire in the open access journal PLOS ONE

Both questionnaires along with their scoring templates are available for download (M@H-Infant up to 2 years of age; M@H-Preschool 2 to 4 years of age) in two languages:

English language:





Italian language:

Music@Home questionnaires consist of different subscales that reflect distinct aspects of the home musical environment.

Specifically, the Music@Home-Infant consists of the following subscales:

[1] Parental beliefs i.e., what parents think about music and development

[2] Child engagement with music

[3] Parent initiation of singing

[4] Parent initiation of music-making

The Music@Home-Preschool consists of the following subscales:

[1] Parental beliefs i.e., what parents think about music and development

[2] Child engagement with music

[3] Parent initiation of musical behavior

[4] Breadth of musical exposure

Separate scores can be calculated for each subscale while a general Music@Home score combining items from all the subscales can be calculated.

There are also ongoing projects for the adaptation of the Music@Home in German, Spanish and French.